Winter 2022 - Cartography & Geovisualization (GEOS-457-O3A)

The following collection of maps were completed as tutorial exercises and assignments for the course GEOS457 to teach the basic principles of a topic including colour theory, map layout and various thematic map types. In all instances the data and format was provided.

Tutorial #1: Working with Map Layouts.

Tutorial #2: Basic Colour Principles.

Tutorial #3: Graduated Symbol Map.

Tutorial #4: Proportional Pie Charts Map.

Tutorial #5: Choropleth Maps and Classifications.

Tutorial #6: Histogram legend Map.

Tutorial #7: Bivariate Choropleth Map.

Tutorial #8: 3D Choropleth Map.

Tutorial #9: Dot Density Map.

Tutorial #10: Isarithmic Map.

Poster #1: Trouble in California