Alberta Public Land Footprint Relation Web App
This project was completed as the capstone project for SAIT's Applied Bachelor of Geographic Information Systems. It was created to demonstrate the student's knowledge of not only GIS, but also project management. The group that conmpleted this project consisted of four people: Keith Johnson, Madison Pavelich, Weiwei Fan and Chris Mitchell.
While completed within the borders of a course, the project was sponsored by MNC ltd. MNC administrates the Alberta government's Digital Integrated Dispositions system, used to monitor what public land has been worked on.
This project operates as a proof of concept to test whether the ESRI world imagery layer could be used within a web app to facilitate a user digitizing as-built footprints and relating them back to the disposition that had created the footprint.
The following videos illustrate how the application worked, and were created as documentation that was accessible through the project.